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    كتاب littele book of planet and earth

    مشرف وجيومتميز
    مشرف وجيومتميز

    ذكر عدد الرسائل : 681
    العمر : 34
    university : HELWAN
    تاريخ التسجيل : 01/05/2007

    كتاب  littele book of planet and earth Empty كتاب littele book of planet and earth

    مُساهمة من طرف mhmoudkhlifa 2007-10-23, 1:38 am

    كتاب  littele book of planet and earth 30-full
    ISBN: 0387952586
    Title: The Little Book of Planet Earth (Little Book Series)
    Author: Rolf Meissner
    Publisher: Springer
    Publication Date: 2002-03-15
    Number Of Pages: 192
    Average Amazon Rating: 5.0

    The Little Book of Planet Earth presents a concise description of the geological evolution of Earth from its formation. Meissner describes in detailed but accessible prose not just the planet's features, but the tools that modern geologists use to explore and track the ever-changing subterranean and surface features of the planet. With a particular gift for expressing how the forces in and around our planet constantly alter the world we live in, the author introduces lay readers to the key topics in modern earth and planetary science: the creation of Earth and its moon (as well as stars and other planets), the role of seismology in analyzing Earth's structure, the formation of mountain ranges and basins, the role of plate tectonics, the significance of Earth's magnetic field, and the complex relationship of our planet's geology to the life forms found there.



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