بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
use this because there is some process to do on the trace
using computers ,depends on storage capacity ,computer technology ,analog data was convert to digital by the digitizing technique usin an electonic circuit (adc)analog digital converter
analog and digital data
analog data is the signal (wave )henced by the geophones but digital data is to take the values of amplitudes (make spikes)
suppose the t axes is the time ,and the n axes is the amplitude,at t=200,n=2
and so ..........
the values of amplitude is the desimal amplitude
the disimal amplitude for this wave is 2,-1,2,...etc
this desimal amplitude should converted to binary data ,how
example: if desimal=1247=1*10^3+2*10^2+4*10^1+7*10^0
for binary=11001,desimal=1*2^4+1*2^3+0*2^2+1*2^1+1*2^0
note that sampling interval=2 and we used power=4 while digits=5 ,use
note also that binary is 0 and 1 number that can digitized on computers.
another example suppose u have one desimal amplitude=28 of a signal and sampling interval =2msec,what is the binary recording?easy
desimal=28=2^4+2^3+2^2 ,
this can make as 28=0*2^1+1*2^2+1*2^3+1*2^4+0*2^5
so,binary is 01110,the 0 is not magnetic on the magnetic tape ,but 1 is magnetised
بالضبط شبه الكلمات المتقاطعه ، المربع رقم 1 يظلل ، ورقم 0 لا يظلل
i hope u know the game now ,this game was done by computers
using linux system that deal with graphs and unix system ...if u work in seismic processing ,u will be amachine..all u work with computers not by u self....the human become amachine move it machine
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