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3 مشترك

    digital recording equipments

    mohammed radwan
    mohammed radwan
    مراسل المنصورة
    مراسل المنصورة

    ذكر عدد الرسائل : 353
    العمر : 36
    Localisation : mansoura
    Emploi : 3rd geophysics studient
    university : mansoura
    تاريخ التسجيل : 28/08/2007

    digital recording equipments Empty digital recording equipments

    مُساهمة من طرف mohammed radwan 2007-10-03, 8:22 pm

    بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

    use this because there is some process to do on the trace

    using computers ,depends on storage capacity ,computer technology ,analog data was convert to digital by the digitizing technique usin an electonic circuit (adc)analog digital converter

    analog and digital data
    analog data is the signal (wave )henced by the geophones but digital data is to take the values of amplitudes (make spikes)

    digital recording equipments Signal_s

    suppose the t axes is the time ,and the n axes is the amplitude,at t=200,n=2
    and so ..........

    the values of amplitude is the desimal amplitude
    the disimal amplitude for this wave is 2,-1,2,...etc
    this desimal amplitude should converted to binary data ,how
    example: if desimal=1247=1*10^3+2*10^2+4*10^1+7*10^0
    for binary=11001,desimal=1*2^4+1*2^3+0*2^2+1*2^1+1*2^0
    note that sampling interval=2 and we used power=4 while digits=5 ,use
    note also that binary is 0 and 1 number that can digitized on computers.

    another example suppose u have one desimal amplitude=28 of a signal and sampling interval =2msec,what is the binary recording?easy
    desimal=28=2^4+2^3+2^2 ,
    this can make as 28=0*2^1+1*2^2+1*2^3+1*2^4+0*2^5
    so,binary is 01110,the 0 is not magnetic on the magnetic tape ,but 1 is magnetised

    بالضبط شبه الكلمات المتقاطعه ، المربع رقم 1 يظلل ، ورقم 0 لا يظلل

    i hope u know the game now ,this game was done by computers
    using linux system that deal with graphs and unix system ...if u work in seismic processing ,u will be amachine..all u work with computers not by u self....the human become amachine move it machine

    be contiued
    mohammed radwan
    mohammed radwan
    مراسل المنصورة
    مراسل المنصورة

    ذكر عدد الرسائل : 353
    العمر : 36
    Localisation : mansoura
    Emploi : 3rd geophysics studient
    university : mansoura
    تاريخ التسجيل : 28/08/2007

    digital recording equipments Empty رد: digital recording equipments

    مُساهمة من طرف mohammed radwan 2007-10-04, 12:44 pm

    dynamic range in digital recording
    ratio between maximum amplitude and minimum amplitude ,can be stored on computers ,depends on number of bits,digital more usueful more than analog,
    can store dynamic range more than analog,there is atechnique is float point system (if u have weak refletion with high noise , can enhance the signal )

    DYNAMIC RANGE =20 log 1024=60 db(desibel),but in digital,ratio=1024=2^10,so use 10 bits words
    number of bits proportional to dynamic range


    nuquist frequency =sampling frequency /2
    if the sampling interval is 2 milli second , the sampling frequency =500 hz ,nyquist =250 hz
    frequecies under nyquist will preserved (0-250)hz ,but for frequencies > nyquist frequency (proplem of aliasing)distorion of output .
    digital recording equipments Aliasing-movie
    this graph is very good for aliasing
    that mean that if u have one input frequency ,this will meet two output frequency,
    the solution wth proplem is to use
    1-reduce to nyquist
    2-high cut filter antialias filter to remove frequences>nyquist
    3-make attenuation of insignficiant amplitude

    sources :introduction to geophysical prospecting .milton dobrin
    for more about aliasing
    جيو محترف
    جيو محترف

    انثى عدد الرسائل : 77
    Localisation : alexandria
    Emploi : student
    university : alexandria university
    تاريخ التسجيل : 12/09/2007

    digital recording equipments Empty رد: digital recording equipments

    مُساهمة من طرف moony 2007-10-04, 4:25 pm

    موضوع جامد و مهم جدا و شرح واضح شكرا جدا جدا
    جيو صاعد
    جيو صاعد

    ذكر عدد الرسائل : 41
    العمر : 39
    Emploi : Geophysicist
    university : Mansoura
    تاريخ التسجيل : 07/10/2007

    digital recording equipments Empty رد: digital recording equipments

    مُساهمة من طرف takey 2007-10-07, 3:19 am

    االسلام عليكم

    دي اول مشاركة لي و قبل ما اتكلم على الموضوع عايز اقول انى مبسوط بالمنتدي دة


    كنت عايز اعقب على الجملة دي

    """i hope u know the game now ,this game was done by computers

    using linux system that deal with graphs and unix system ...if u work in seismic processing ,u will be amachine..all u work with computers not by u self....the human become amachine move it machine""

    First of all Linux and Unix are Operating systems not digitizer software. And the converting of the analog data achieved by using A/D as you can see in the following text
    “It is necessary for us to convert our recorded analog signal to an accurate digital number that is proportional to its amplitude. We also need to do the conversion in the opposite direction sometimes, for instance when we are reconstructing a waveform. This is an essential element of any application in which a computer or processor is logging or controlling an experiment or other such process.
    The heart of any seismic acquisition system (land or marine) is a device for the converting of an analog signal from a receiver (geophone, hydrophone) to a digital number which can be used in any piece of processing equipment. This process is achieved by the use of an analog-to-digital converter, known as an A/D or ADC.”
    mohammed radwan
    mohammed radwan
    مراسل المنصورة
    مراسل المنصورة

    ذكر عدد الرسائل : 353
    العمر : 36
    Localisation : mansoura
    Emploi : 3rd geophysics studient
    university : mansoura
    تاريخ التسجيل : 28/08/2007

    digital recording equipments Empty رد: digital recording equipments

    مُساهمة من طرف mohammed radwan 2007-10-07, 1:16 pm

    بسم الله
    اهلا بيك معانا يا takey
    منتظرين مواضيعك
    وانا بجد مبسوط ان فيه حد بيعقب علي كلامي

    ok, your info is more right, but ,i donot want to tell the digitizing adc is the linux , the adc is complex electronic circuit, and i know that linux and unix is open sources system (the whole system we deal with), all the thing that i want to link our studies to the practical application

    متشكر كمان مره ع الاضافه

    i you have afigure for analog digital converter, put it please
    جيو صاعد
    جيو صاعد

    ذكر عدد الرسائل : 41
    العمر : 39
    Emploi : Geophysicist
    university : Mansoura
    تاريخ التسجيل : 07/10/2007

    digital recording equipments Empty رد: digital recording equipments

    مُساهمة من طرف takey 2007-10-07, 5:27 pm

    al salam 3alykom ya basha mafesh da3i ll sokr
    how da hadaf el montada

    nekamel kalam 3ala mawo3 el analog-to-digital converter

    Talking about the A/D open the door of speaking about where
    the digitizing of the analog data done???

    Is that happen in the geophone? in the cables? In the
    office? Or somewhere else?

    I will wait the members answers before talking about that ??

    Another question we should ask it ….. what is the
    configuration and the layout of the seismic acquisition field?? And how the
    geophone connected to the recording truck? Is it connected only by cables???

    mohammed radwan
    mohammed radwan
    مراسل المنصورة
    مراسل المنصورة

    ذكر عدد الرسائل : 353
    العمر : 36
    Localisation : mansoura
    Emploi : 3rd geophysics studient
    university : mansoura
    تاريخ التسجيل : 28/08/2007

    digital recording equipments Empty رد: digital recording equipments

    مُساهمة من طرف mohammed radwan 2007-10-07, 7:37 pm

    the first question about digitizing,i think is it be the field , the analog ouput of seismic amplifiers has o pass through ADC , which is used to digitize all seismic channels by muliplexing,and then for each channel, sampling he instantanous output values and register it in digital using binary ,
    all my info is theoritical and me not know alot about the real work in petrolum campanies, i have not trained yet,train the next summer

    the other question , idonnot know about? tell us if it isnot the trace gathers
    جيو صاعد
    جيو صاعد

    ذكر عدد الرسائل : 41
    العمر : 39
    Emploi : Geophysicist
    university : Mansoura
    تاريخ التسجيل : 07/10/2007

    digital recording equipments Empty رد: digital recording equipments

    مُساهمة من طرف takey 2007-10-07, 11:04 pm

    ok ya basha kalamk 3an en el digitizing we el multiplixing bey7sal fee el field sa7.....
    bas 7'alina nefaker sheyaya ezay bey7sal fee el geophone??

    Remember, the geophone
    consist of coil, magnet and resistance???

    So, where the multiplexing and digitizing is
    done??? In the BOX , what is the box?

    To know what is the
    box we should know how we connect the
    geophones to the recorder truck, i.e. the distribution of your equipment in the

    Distributed systems have cable connections
    between the units that record the field data and the control system in the
    recording truck. Usually, these connections are made via a line unit (Figure 1)
    that gathers the information from several different geophone
    groups. The recording equipment is set up in an arrangement similar to the one
    in Figure 2. In most distributed systems, some number of groups of geophones
    are connected to a box. These boxes convert the analog signal to digital form
    (samples). The boxes are normally wired together along a “branch line” that
    usually takes the form of a twisted pair. Branch lines feed into cross-line
    units, which in turn are connected by a “trunk line” and fed directly into the
    central recorder.

    digital recording equipments Fig110

    1. Solar battery powered boxes

    digital recording equipments Fig210

    2 Typical field setup for a distribution system (Input/ Output System Two). ALX
    ( advance line tap), MRX( miniature remote signal conditioner).

    this is the layout of the equipment in (I/O 2) in sercel is differrent but the same concept
    mohammed radwan
    mohammed radwan
    مراسل المنصورة
    مراسل المنصورة

    ذكر عدد الرسائل : 353
    العمر : 36
    Localisation : mansoura
    Emploi : 3rd geophysics studient
    university : mansoura
    تاريخ التسجيل : 28/08/2007

    digital recording equipments Empty رد: digital recording equipments

    مُساهمة من طرف mohammed radwan 2007-10-08, 1:27 am

    thanks alot for u info , my feel tell me that u work in apetrolum campany, if u , tell us please about any thing of geophysics u work with, if not , tell us also, thanks
    جيو صاعد
    جيو صاعد

    ذكر عدد الرسائل : 41
    العمر : 39
    Emploi : Geophysicist
    university : Mansoura
    تاريخ التسجيل : 07/10/2007

    digital recording equipments Empty رد: digital recording equipments

    مُساهمة من طرف takey 2007-10-09, 10:59 pm

    aywa sa7 ya basha we en sha2 allah a3raf afeed be7aga kewayesa

    we rabena yesahel we lama anzel el gam3a a3raf a2ablk ..(low kont bete7dar ya3ni). Smile
    mohammed radwan
    mohammed radwan
    مراسل المنصورة
    مراسل المنصورة

    ذكر عدد الرسائل : 353
    العمر : 36
    Localisation : mansoura
    Emploi : 3rd geophysics studient
    university : mansoura
    تاريخ التسجيل : 28/08/2007

    digital recording equipments Empty رد: digital recording equipments

    مُساهمة من طرف mohammed radwan 2007-10-10, 1:09 am

    ok , a2ablk fi el gam3a

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