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2 مشترك

    seismic (noise--velocity analysis)

    mohammed radwan
    mohammed radwan
    مراسل المنصورة
    مراسل المنصورة

    ذكر عدد الرسائل : 353
    العمر : 36
    Localisation : mansoura
    Emploi : 3rd geophysics studient
    university : mansoura
    تاريخ التسجيل : 28/08/2007

    seismic (noise--velocity analysis) Empty seismic (noise--velocity analysis)

    مُساهمة من طرف mohammed radwan 2007-10-06, 2:00 pm

    بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
    seismic (noise--velocity analysis) 4951
    1st topic

    not assosiated with reflection ,must be suppressed, by geophone arrays and processing technology
    increase signal to noise ratio

    types of noises
    _surface noise
    _near surface noise
    _scattered or incoherent noise
    _multiple noise

    surface and near surface noise

    ground roll
    horizontal....low velocity of noise.....low frequency....amplitude more than reflections]
    solution to it:use [color=red]low cut filters in amplifier circuit ,or use geophones groups to supress horizontal noises and increase (enhance )vertical reflection ]

    mechanism of interference
    noises have sense of interference ....more complex physical mechanisms for interference said that shear reflected guided wavetrapped in surface and near surface layer with lower speed coherent noise

    النوع ده من التشويش سهل لانه متوقعpredictive noise لانه يظهر في المضاهاه بين الامواجcorrelation سهل التعامل معاi
    اما بالفلاتر او بتجمعات للجيوفونات

    scattered incoherent noise

    near surface irrigularities scattering....when the shot lie over gravel or boulders , vuggy limestone,these cause scattering of waves ,make the seismic noise be obsecured

    solution to this:addition of signals contain incohent noises....more signal added more cancel noise (something like geophones arrays)

    s number of sources
    r number of reciever
    n^1/2 (root of n) cancel of noise propotional to it

    we can use many sources as many reciever
    geophone per trace

    example :100 geophone per trace:10 geophone per trace =3 cancel noise :1 cancel noise in practical view

    multiple reflection

    complex... troublesome

    seismic (noise--velocity analysis) 64877786ac6

    surface multiple most common....combination most complex

    there is change in material properties in multiple and brimary reflections , so frequency change and differ the frequency filterand differ in wave,change in frequency filter

    ده معناه ان النوع ده من التشويش من الصعب شويه التعامل معاه لانه غير معلوم المصدر

    geophones arrays used to cancel noise where the noise wavelength is smaller that lengths of the arraysbut for this, noise length is large than geophones arrays and regardless from its origen

    but it appear in the nmo correction we u correct to remove the normal moveout of the primary reflaction , multiple appear

    CDP......common depth point stacking about it later
    in practical view

    these random noise is present while u shoot or not , not assaosiated with source
    like well noise, instuments,traffic(vehicles,people,animals ), earthquakes....but coherent noise is peresnt with shoot ,if there isnot shoot,there isnot roll, air arrivals

    to remove noises, this is the main task of seismic processing...using frequency filers,amplifier,velocity analysis,two ravel time.


    عدل سابقا من قبل في 2007-10-08, 11:07 pm عدل 2 مرات
    mohammed radwan
    mohammed radwan
    مراسل المنصورة
    مراسل المنصورة

    ذكر عدد الرسائل : 353
    العمر : 36
    Localisation : mansoura
    Emploi : 3rd geophysics studient
    university : mansoura
    تاريخ التسجيل : 28/08/2007

    seismic (noise--velocity analysis) Empty رد: seismic (noise--velocity analysis)

    مُساهمة من طرف mohammed radwan 2007-10-06, 6:27 pm

    2nd topic
    velocity analysis

    very very important in interpretation
    reflection records---->depth (through velocity knowing)seismic velocity affected by elastic properties in rocks....knowned
    velocities was measured by make boreholes (borehole seismic)....analysis of reflection times and then velocity
    also tell us about lithology and physical properties

    types of velocities

    average velocity
    as shown in the figure the layering
    t is one way travel time

    V=sum z/sum t

    intarval velocity
    two reflector in z2 depth and z1 depth

    seismic (noise--velocity analysis) 58424822yt4

    instantanous velocity
    is the same interval but for thin layer

    root mean square velocity ... rms
    if the section consists of horizontal layers with velocities v1,v2,v3, times t1,t2,t3,

    stacking velocity
    from travel time curve
    this velocity used in stacking processing

    well shoot

    know change in velocity with depth
    put geophones in boreholes and calculate velocity at depth of the geophone existence

    seismic (noise--velocity analysis) 86219749dx4

    velocity is afunction of depth (increase with depth )when use more than one well , and correlate stratigraphic position to know the barrier of the layers,and used contour map to connect equivalent velocities

    using to detctor at different depths , you can know alot about layers

    seismic (noise--velocity analysis) 10552835xo5
    suppose the distance between the two detector is 1ft
    so , the time difference between the two detection=1/velocity interval

    determination velocity from reflection data


    the travel time curve is the one of the most important things in seismic exploration

    dix equation

    Velocity automatic detemination by digital computers
    only you enter the reflection data on computer and computer will do all thing

    read my topic of digital recording equipment

    there is some process done by computers like velocity scans and velocity spectra.

    for this topic and the previous
    introduction to geophysical prospecting
    milton dobrin
    مراسل الاسكندرية
    مراسل الاسكندرية

    ذكر عدد الرسائل : 217
    العمر : 36
    Localisation : Alexandria
    Emploi : geochemistry student
    university : Alexandria
    تاريخ التسجيل : 15/06/2007

    seismic (noise--velocity analysis) Empty رد: seismic (noise--velocity analysis)

    مُساهمة من طرف uno 2007-10-08, 1:58 am

    tamaaaam ya basha
    kda fol giddan, ana kont 3ayez l 7aga dy mn zman wallahy
    yalla ha3esh m3aha 7abba ba2a
    thanx again ya m3allem

      الوقت/التاريخ الآن هو 2024-11-21, 4:57 pm